
The following is a list of resources available locally at The Graduate Center and elsewhere. It is not exhaustive, and serves as a helpful guide for getting started. The list can continue to grow and change over the semester. If you have suggestions of resources that you think should be included here, email Lisa.

Opportunities to participate

The GC Digital Fellows, the Interactive Technology and Pedagogy Certificate Program, the Mina Rees Library, the Publics Lab, the Teaching and Learning Center, the Writing Center,  the Career Planning and Professional Development Office, the Wellness Center, and the Futures Initiative all run workshops throughout the semester. Many of them are on topics related to digital tools that could be useful to you as you begin to formulate your proposals and projects. The Wellness Center and the Writing Center run workshops or working groups on topics related to writing papers and abstracts all the way through handling the transition to graduate school. The Library’s workshops cover topics like how to find datasets and use citation management tools, while the Publics Lab and Futures Initiative often cover broader social issues as they relate to the work we do in this course.  Check their websites periodically and register to participate. For the GC Digital Fellows’ workshops and GC Digital Initiatives events, you can look at the calendar page. You may also be interested in signing up to participate in either the Python Users’ Group (PUG) or the R Users’ Group (RUG). Both Python and R can be used for text analysis, and the communities associated with these groups will include other students, staff, and faculty who have or who are developing active projects.

GC Writing Center | 

The GC’s Writing Center offers workshops, consultations, and writing groups. There are workshops available this semester on writing book reviews and conference abstracts. Please check their website for details about how to register for their programming. Workshops, like the abstract writing workshop on March 7th, are available online: 

Consultations with a Digital Fellow

While we are working remotely, the GC Digital Fellows are offering consultations. You will need to fill out the consultations form, and a student will get back to you–usually within 48 hours. Requests for consultations allow for you to indicate whether the need is urgent, normal, or low; however, fellows cannot reply immediately to requests. In other words, don’t leave any questions you might have to the last minute.

Consultations are not designed as “service hours.” Instead, GC Digital Fellows will help you think through and solve your problem with you, help to develop your project proposal, and brainstorm with you on your project design. They have familiarity with 

Online Resources

CUNY Academic Commons – We’re using this open source, CUNY-based platform for hosting the course website and the class group (which includes the forum). You will want to set your settings for the group to “all email” which will allow you to receive emails when someone posts a discussion item to the forum. We will be using this feature in lieu of a class listserv. While the website is a public-facing display of course content, syllabi, calendars, and blog posts, the  group is designed for private sharing among the class. Public facing blog posts and writing assignments should be posted to the website. Internal discussion should be posted to the group forum.

Zotero – If you have not already created a Zotero account, I strongly recommend that you do so. It is a citation management tool which will help you considerably with any bibliographic research and writing that you may do. More resources will be posted over the course of the semester.  

Beyond the Graduate Center



ACH Mentoring Program Description

The ACH invites applications to participate in a one-year mentorship program for graduate students interested in digital humanities work in and around the academy, including libraries, archives, museums, teaching, and research.

This program will bring together a cohort of 5-10 Masters and PhD students interested in the digital humanities for a one-year mentorship program that will provide participants with community building, professional development, and opportunities to help envision the future of mentorship at the ACH.

This program is only open to current students. Early career scholars who have earned their PhDs are encouraged to participate in other ACH mentorship initiatives, including the new mentorship channel on the DH Slack

To apply: email a one-page cover letter and a two-page resume to [email protected], subject: ACH Mentorship Working Group Application. Deadline: October 26, 2020. Details below.

More information here:

Regular Expressions


  • Wright, Laura and Jonathan Hope. Stylistics: A Practical Coursebook. London and New York: Routledge, 1996. [ Available online.]


Other Text Analysis Resources